Community Groups
Galvez Chapter
Group Contact – Louise Ganucheau
Our Mission
The mission of DAR is to promote historic preservation, education and patriotism. Members of Galvez Chapter assisted Acadian Village by adopting flower beds in front of one of the historic houses. This endeavor falls under our mission of historic preservation and our conservation committee. The original beds were rectangular. We removed the bricks and created a larger bed with a curved border. We cleaned out weeds and dead plants, added soil, and re-planted new plants and flowers.

Lafayette Breakfast Sertoma Club Photos
Group Contact – Clayton Choate
Our Mission
Assisting individuals with hearing loss, promoting hearing health awareness, and supporting various causes to make our community a better place to live.
The Sertoma Club members volunteer at LARC’s Acadian Village to maintain the interior and exterior of the Thibodeaux house. They come once a quarter to dust, sweep, mop and clean all the glass displays and artifacts in the home and also spruce up the flowerbeds.

Acadiana Native Plant Project
Group Contact – Louise Ganucheau
Our Mission
The mission of the Acadiana Native Plant Project is to promote the use of native plants in our landscape. Together we are Connecting habitats, one garden at a time. The Acadian Village Demonstration Garden is a showcase of how plants native to our region can be incorporated beautifully into a home landscape to create habitat for pollinators and birds.

Scenic Lafayette is our organization. Azalea Trail is a committee of this organization.
Group Contact – Mrs. Denise Richard Lanclos , Co-Chair of Azalea Trail Committee
Azalea Trail Website:
Twitter: @LanclosDenise
Our Mission
To preserve and enhance the visual character of Lafayette’s natural and built environment. Founded in 2014, Scenic Lafayette promotes beauty as a valuable asset for all who live, visit, and conduct business in our communities. Scenic Lafayette is a citizen-based advocacy group that collaborates with local/regional government and like-minded civic organizations to assure positive outcomes for beautification in our communities.
Our contribution to Acadian Village is to provide the Formosa evergreen azaleas in an effort to beautify the grounds and promote our “Azalea City” certification, which Lafayette received national certification as an “Azalea City” in 2016 by the Azalea Society of America.